Monday, July 28, 2008

Tips To Prevent Heart Attacks

Tips To Prevent Heart Attacks Before Occurrence

Since heart attacks still is the leading cause of death in the United States, the death rate from heart attacks continue to go down because of improvement in doctor's ability to detect diseased cornorary arteries before a heart attacks occur.

Since there are no clear indication that the disease is present, heart illness develops very slowly and take years before heart attacks occur. Symptoms of heart attacks become evident only after the arteries become blocked severely.

Here are some tips that will help you to prevent heart attacks before it occurs:

1.Lower your blood pressure:
a) Reduce your salt intake
Salt is a mineral composed of sodium and chloride. Sodium deficiency is harmful to your body, but high salt diet would trigger high blood pressure leading to heart problems and increase the risk of early death.

b)Include more of the following foods in your diet
Garlic, ginger, wild yam, cabbage, cayenne pepper, moderate consumption of red wine, and wheat germ will help to improve your blood circulation and lower your blood pressure.

2. Lower your triglycerides:
Triglycerides are fats carried in the blood from the food we eat. Excess calories, alcohol or sugar in the body are converted into triglycerides and stored in fat cells throughout the body. The best way to get rid of triglycerides is to exercise together with carbohydrate diet.

3.Lower your LDL cholesterol:
Cutting down on fatty foods are essential and adding more fiber in the diet is the best approach to reduce your LDL cholesterol that increases the speed at which the body eliminates cholesterol before extra cholesterol cloggs up your arterials.

4. Increase your HDL cholesterol:
By increasing intake of fish that has plenty of Omega 3 fatty acid, flax seed oil, olive oil, garlic, ginger, etc. will help to increase your HDL and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Click Here for Complete Report of How To Prevent Heart Disease.
Click Here for 101 Healthy Ways - Prevent Heart Disease

If you want more information of the above subject please visit:

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